A Woman of a Certain AgeŽ
Sunday May 13th, 2018 - Saturday May 19th, 2018
A Woman of a Certain AgeŽ is a sometimes hilarious, sometimes poignant, always truthful portrayal of six women who, as they grow older, are pushed to the edge by the demands of family and career, struggling with the changes and losses that accompany becoming an invisible woman in a culture obsessed with youth and beauty. This solo show is for men and women of all ages, from adolescent to geriatric. It won Best of Fest at the 2015 Calgary International Fringe Festival, playing to sold out audiences there and at the 2016 Edmonton and Lethbridge Fringe Festivals, and the 2017 Regina and Winnipeg Fringe Festivals.
Contact: Urban Stories Theatre
Helen Stories Young
Phone: 4038310031
Email: urbanstoriesyyc@gmail.com
Web: http://www.urbanstoriestheatre.org
Details: Location: Lower Theatre, Knox United Church
Price: 15-20