The Amish Project
Wednesday October 21st, 2015 - Sunday October 25th, 2015
Fire Exit Theatre presents:
by Jessica Dickey and performed by Marianne SavellThe Amish Project is a fictional exploration of the tragic events of the Nickel Mines shooting, when the local milkman walked into an Amish schoolhouse and shot all the girls and then himself. The Amish responded to this crime by forgiving the gunman and embracing his family as fellow victims. Honoring the redemptive aspects of this incredible story, The Amish Project continues to be produced all over America and the world, and was listed by as a play that should have been nominated for the Pulitzer.

“This is a powerful and poetic piece,” says Val Lieske, Artistic Director for Fire Exit Theatre. “unique, unforgettable and surprisingly uplifting considering the topic of the piece.” She goes on to say, “This one-woman exploration of the Nickel Mines shooting conjures seven characters, from gunman to victims, and delves into the stories that tie these characters together, as well as the path of forgiveness and compassion forged in the wake of tragedy. It examines a calamity by observing the ripples it makes after the fact.”

A story of resilience of faith and the triumoh of goodness in the face of the darkest evil.
Contact: Fire Exit Theatre
Val Lieske
Details: Location: Engineered Air Theatre -Arts Commons
Price: $20-$25