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The CAT Awards by Category

Recipients are highlighted. Click on any Year, Production, Company or Artist to filter the results.

2015 CAT Awards: Outstanding Performance by a Supporting Actress in a Musical

2014 CAT Awards: Outstanding Performance by a Supporting Actress in a Musical

2013 CAT Awards: Outstanding Performance by a Supporting Actress in a Musical

2012 CAT Awards: Outstanding Performance by a Supporting Actress in a Musical

2011 CAT Awards: Outstanding Performance by a Supporting Actress in a Musical

2010 CAT Awards: Outstanding Performance by a Supporting Actress in a Musical

2009 CAT Awards: Outstanding Performance by a Supporting Actress in a Musical

2008 CAT Awards: Outstanding Performance by a Supporting Actress in a Musical

2007 CAT Awards: Outstanding Performance by a Supporting Actress in a Musical

2006 CAT Awards: Outstanding Performance by a Supporting Actress in a Musical

2005 CAT Awards: Outstanding Performance by a Supporting Actress in a Musical

2004 CAT Awards: Outstanding Performance by a Supporting Actress in a Musical